Hajj Conditions:

He is obliged to perform Hajj according to the following conditions:

1- Islam.
2. Reason
3. Age of puberty.
 4- The capacity, which is the existence of the just and the just.
5 - The perfection of freedom.
6 - Women increase the sixth condition is haraam;
 Here offer available Umrah Package December 2017
Umrah Package December 2017

 Hajj without mahram is wrong and Hajj is valid.

Particular attention should be paid to issues relating to Haj and its conditions, including:

- If the child is not allowed to perform Hajj, he is able to do it and is obliged to do it if he arrives.

If he dies if he is asked to perform Hajj, and if he does not perform Hajj, he takes the money from his estate.

- Do not pray to others who have not practiced Hajj for themselves, and it is okay to be able to do the same for those who do not perform Hajj or Umrah .......


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